Are you suffering from Fatty liver disease? - The complete diet know how!

From fatty liver to reversal - by Diet and Exercise.

Fatty liver disease

Hepatic Steatosis, also known as Fatty liver is a result of fat building up in the liver. Liver Inflammation caused due to this may damage your liver and lead to complications also resulting in liver failure. It is of two types:
Alcohol induced fatty liver is a result of excessive consumption of Alcohol resulting in Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD).
If someone doesn’t drink much alcohol still gets disease it Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).
So what should you eat for your healthy functioning of liver ?
Liver Disease and a healthier you!


Are you suffering from Fatty liver disease? - The complete diet know how!

To have a healthy liver:

  • One should cut down on fats and increase fibre. 
  • Also limit calories and have a balanced diet.
  • Increase your water consumption and abstain from alcohol. 

Here are some foods to include in your healthy liver diet!

 Foods to have:

1. Avocados
  • Avocado are one of the goods that cleanse the liver because of their healthy fats and micronutrients.
  • Avocado contains good amount of different nutrients, vitamins and minerals which improves the health of liver and prevents it from damage.
  • Avocado oil also helps the liver heal from damage and supports good liver health.
2. Garlic 
  • Garlic is the best food to detox and keeps your liver healthy.
  • Garlic contains sulphur compounds that stimulate liver enzymes which helps the liver remove toxic toxins from the body through urine. 
  • Garlic also contains allicin, a chemical that can induce liver damage if consumed in significant amounts.
3. Coffee
  • Coffee is packed with beneficial antioxidants that help decrease the liver inflammation.
  • Coffee reduces the risk of cancer, developing liver disease or fatty liver disease.
  • It’s best to avoid adding sugars and artificial sweeteners. Instead, try swapping in dairy milk, unsweetened soy milk, almond milk or cocoa powder.
4. Broccoli
  • Broccoli lowers the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver.
  • Broccoli has Omega-3s fatty acids and is full of  nutrients and fibres which helps reducing the markers of liver damage.
  • Broccoli decreases uptake of fat into the liver, which increases the output of lipids and improves the liver health.
5. Oily fish
  • Oily fish provide some underlying benefits to liver health.
  • Oily fish such as salmon can help reduce inflammation and fat build up in the liver.
  • A diet high in oily fish may reduce the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer.
6. Complex carbohydrate 
  • Complex carbohydrates are better than simple carbs because they are metabolised slower.
  • Whole grain carbs such as whole rice, corn, rye, brown rice and whole wheat bread are preferred over simple carbs. 
7. Green Tea
  • Green tea reduces the risk of liver disease including liver cancer, liver disease, liver steatosis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis.
  • Green tea can reduce the severity of fatty liver disease by 75 per cent.
8. Olive oil
  • Olive oil can help reduce liver enzymes and liver fat that contribute to disease.
  • Olive oil may also increase the amount of HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood, which could have benefits for your liver.
  • Olive oil contains high Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Olive oil reduced the oxidative stress and ensure direct antioxidant protection of the liver cells. 
9. Turmeric 
  • Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric that helps in reducing the markers of liver damage and lowering inflammation.
  • Turmeric also aids bile production, which supports the liver detoxification process and prevents fat build-up in the body while restoring liver function.
  • Turmeric minimise oxidative stress and improves lipid metabolism.
10. Walnuts
  • Out of all the nuts, Walnuts are amongst the most beneficial for liver health.
  • Walnuts contains higher antioxidants that is beneficial for reducing fatty liver disease.
  • Walnuts have the Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids which reduces the inflammation. 
  • Walnuts contains many nutrients and bio active components such as fatty acids, minerals and proteins which helps in maintenance of healthy liver metabolism by reducing inflammation. 
11. Citrus Fruits
  • Grapefruits, lemons, limes, and oranges are all citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which promotes the production of liver detoxifying enzymes and cleanses the liver.
  • It has antioxidants that reduce inflammation to protect the liver from injury.
12. Sunflower seeds
  • Sunflower seeds are high in the antioxidant vitamin E, which helps protect the liver from further damage.
  • Sunflower seeds have sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins which helps the body to break down the fat in the liver. 
  • Presence of strong antioxidants in sunflower seeds also reduces the risk of cancer.
13. Oatmeal 
  • Oatmeal reduces the risks associated with Non-Alcoholic fatty Liver disease by breaking down and expelling the excessive fats from your system.
  • Oatmeal contains a specific type of fibre called beta-glucan that reduces liver damage and oxidative stress.
  • Oatmeal helps losing weight, especially in the stomach area, which helps decrease your chances of developing liver disease.
14. Beet root 
  • Beetroot juice contains antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6 and iron which helps in protecting the liver from inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • Beetroot is known to detox liver and promotes blood flow.
  • The antioxidant activity of betain helps prevent fatty deposits in liver, supporting liver health.
15. Flex seeds
  • Flex seeds are good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Flex seeds improves fatty liver and digestive health of the liver.
  • Flex seeds regulates metabolism and reduces fat accumulation In the liver.
16. Chia seeds
  • Chia seeds are rich in fibres, proteins, Omega-3 fatty acids antioxidants and calcium which are beneficial for the functioning of the liver.
  • Chia seeds have anti-inflammatory properties which improves the health of liver.
  • Chia seeds helps in detoxification of liver by flushing out the toxins from the body.
17. Soy
  • Soy products are loaded with proteins, fibres, vitamins and nutrients that helps in lowering the fat build-up in the liver.
  • Soy reduces the inflammation in the liver.
  • Soy products including tofu and yoghurt reduced the fat build-up. 
18. Mustard
  • Mustard is a very potent stimulant and can help the liver and increases the levels of digestive enzymes, which increases the speed of digestion and metabolic capacity.
  • Mustard also helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. 

Foods to avoid:

  • Alcohol: Reduce your Alcohol intake or completely eliminate it from your diet.
  • Avoid Sugar: Avoid sugary foods cereals, baked foods, cookies, sweets, juices and candies.
  • Fatty foods: Avoid having fried and fatty foods, red meats, processed foods and packaged foods. 
  • Added salt: Do not consume too much salt. Limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams per day. Avoid top salt.
  • Starchy foods: Avoid white bread, canned meals & veggies, rice and pasta.
  • Avoid red meat.


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